Skull Model With Breakaway Maxilla & 2 Part Color-Coded Brain

Skull Model With Breakaway Maxilla & 2 Part Color-Coded Brain

Skull Maxilla&Brain 2Part NPD-WSK11A Skull Maxilla&Brain 2Part NPD-WSK11A

Buyamag INC



This Life-Size with Breakaway Maxilla, duplicating the Heft, Color, Texture and X-Ray Opacity of Real Bone. Skull of Medical Professional Grade Reproduces. The Calvaria detaches for Neurocranial Studies, while the Hinged Mandible displays perfect Adult Dentition

Skull Feature

  • The Sutures
  • Fossae and Fissures of a real Bone specimen
  • Features a window into the Frontal Sinus, and a Breakaway Maxilla giving access to the Paranasal Sinuses.
  • The Calvaria detaches for Neurocranial Studies, while the Hinged Mandible displays perfect Adult Dentition.
  • Stand Included

Two-Part Color-Coded Human Brain Feature
  • Molded of life-like soft plastic and life-size, - for a most effective demonstration of the neurocranial relationship.
  • Dividing into Hemispheres
  • Hand-labeled
  • Color-coded functional centers
  • Key structural features of the brain are identified in the anatomy manual which accompanies the model
  • Stand Included