Infrasonic Qigong massager therapeutic vibrator SP machine, latest design - digital second generation. Developed by researcher and original Inventor of Qi Gong Massager, Dr. Simon Wang, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. Simon Wang and his team has been searching and working on scientific base on Qi Gong and other eastern Healing Arts.
Sold complete and ready for use
After medical training in China (M.D.), he continued to complete his Master degree in acupuncture and Ph.D. degree in neuroendocrinology and post-doctoral work from the West. He studied and conducted medical research in Melbourne, Australia, Boston, Massachusetts and Los Angeles, California, USA and China.
He has published numerous scientific papers on neuroscience and books. In the East, it is believed that health and longevity can be achieved and maintained by cultivation and promotion of one's own mind and body, proceeding through practices of meditation, breath control and body postures.
This art is called Qi Gong (ChiKung) in China, and Yoga in India. Digital SP Massager is latest design, professional Model with a New High - Tech Technology. It Is redesigned to deliver: More Power, More Accuracy More Random Frequency, and Up Grated New Heavy Duty Transducer.
Qi Gong Massager utilizes Alpha Rhythm waves at the Low Frequency 8 -14hz. and Amplitudes altered in High or Low. This Therapeutic Vibrations Promoting Synchronize the Body Parts, to Penetrate Deep in Tissues and travel far reaching sites. The Qi Gong Massager Machine consists of two parts: a low - frequency (8 - 14Hz.) signal Generator, and Acoustic Transducer, which transmits a low frequency vibration wave.
QiGong Massager Machine Combines Ancient Chinese Wisdom and Modern Technology for treatment of Relieve Minor Aches and Pains, Relax Body Muscles, Increase Circulation The Infrasound QiGong Massager is a Low Frequency, electro-acoustical therapy, designed and Based on Qi-Gong Ultra-sound Technology, it works by increasing the local circulation of blood, lymph and nervous system activity.
The Low Frequency Sonic stimulation of the Infrasound Pro-Massager activates local Tissue, moving Stagnant Fluids out of Painful Areas thereby drawing in fresh, Oxygenated Fluids and to Enhance Body Homeostasis - Self Healing Process, Reducing Swelling and Relaxing Tense Muscles.
Transducer when ordering! Voltage Power: 220v or 110v - Optional, Aluminum Carrying Case - Optional. The Infrasound Qi Gong Pro-Massager has FDA 501K listed as safe for home or Doctors Office use, and reimbursable by many insurance companies if recommended by your doctor.
One-year manufacturing defects warranty
Sold with One Heavy Duty Transducer
Digital QiGong One Transducer Deluxe Upgraded Features
- Latest design improved model out-put: 8 ~ 14 hz.
- Heavy Duty 1 Transducer Output Compatible
- Frequency Generator - State of the Art - High Technology
- Shipped in a Special Impact Protected, Styrofoam Packaged Box.
- 12 Month Warranty on Manufacturing Defects.
- Buttons Select Auto Shut/Off Timer -- 10, 30min.
- Buttons Select Frequency Intensity -- Low, Mid, High
- External Transducer Cord - 9' long
- Color variety, shipped as available in stock
Effect Low Frequency Acoustic Signal On Human Body?
- Increase Local Circulation
- Relieve Minor Aches & Pains
- Relax Body Muscles.
- Rejuvenation on Cells
- Promotes Body Self Healing
- Helps Move Toxins From Cells
- Raises temperature In the Tissue
- Improvement In Lymphatic System
- Expansion In The Capillary Vessels
Indications For Use
- Intended to use: The Qi Gong Massager Machine Can Increase Local Circulation, Relieve Minor Aches and Pains, and Relax Body Muscles. It can be applied to different parts of the body according to the conditions, such as: Back Pains, Sciatica, Arthritic Pains, Sports Injuries, Chronic Pains, Body Stress, Fatigue, Muscle Spasms and Cramps, Tennis Elbow, Deep Tissue Massage, Acupressure, Qi Gong Exercise and Etc... It is safe to use and effective.
- The Infrasonic Qi-Gong Massager Machine has FDA 501K listad, as safe for office & home use and reimbursable by many insurance companies if recommended by your doctor
- It is safe to use and effective. The intensity should be selected at LOW or MEDIUM or HIGH according to comfort, area, and body condition. LOW should be selected for the area of head and for children, and MEDIUM or HIGH for most applications. Suggested use is 10-30 minutes each session, 1-2 times per day for a period of 5-7 days.
- For example, in chronic back pain, the massager is applied to the affected area for 10-20 minutes at medium or high intensity each use, 1-2 times per day and continuously for 5-7 days
Specifications Deluxe Digital QiGong Massager:
- Voltage --100v or 220v - Select on Order
- Out-put Frequency ----- 8 ~ 14hz.
- Power Cord ---12' Cord Grounded
- Transducer Cord - 11'
- New Heavy Duty One Transducer -Included
- Frequency Generator--Included
- Users Manual ----- Included
- Carrying Case - Optional
- Digital Front Panel
- Auto Shut/Off Timer - 10,30min.
- Buttons --- Timing Set 10, 30min.
- Intensity Button --- Low, High
- Intensity Frequency-Light Indicator
- Button --- Power On/Off
- Treatment Indication Points - Included
- One Heavy Duty Transducer -included
- External Transducer Cord - 9' long
High fever, open pulmonary tuberculosis, serious arteriosclerosis, tendency of bleeding, over the eyes, when body is wet, if pregnant, swollen inflamed area, with hypertension must avoid head application.
Do not place it over pacemakers or any implanted apparatus. Do not place it over the eyes.