Since 1995 Buyamag Offer Dental Bench Chair Mount
We Offer Best Bench Mounts from Buyamag inc for Attaching With Dentistry Manikin Practice Patient Simulation. Include: Drilling, Orthodontic, Periodontal Techniques, Implantation and Hygiene.
For training with dental model manikin phantom you need a dental bench mount for secure attachment with a bench top. The mount can adjust the manikin up or down, and rotates full 360 degrees virtually allowing any optimal position. So the students can practice as with a real patient
Hands-On Experience With Buyamag's Bench Mount Allow Students Using Manikin Simulator On Dental Bench Tops, Or Chair Mounts For Dentistry Techniques Practice in Dental School Setting
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Dental Portable Bench Stand$359.00
Dental Portable Bench Stand$257.00
Articulator DPT$249.00