Buyamag's Hanging Commercial Humidifiers Since 1995
Hanging Sump Humidifier is a ready-to-operate unit 15 gph (water gal. per hour) compact, powerful, made of heavy-duty materials, 300 series stainless steel
The GT Hanging Sump industrial humidifier uses a float valve to maintain the water level in the tank, a submersible pump to send water to the fogging head, and ball valve to control the fogging outputIndoor humidification cooling system with capacity 15 GPH gal per hour unit Weight: 38Lb. Stainless Steel Hanger and Housing Support - included
Hanging sump humidifier commercial humidification system. This excellent quality misting fogging unit can be used for commercial industrial applications indoor and outdoor air humidification and increase relative humidity. Special Baldore (R) Motor: industrial grade electric motor, for pressurized water use, with powder coat epoxy finish, stainless steel shaft. Participating on trade shows all products presented by
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