Buyamag Custom Design Dental Education Models For Teaching And Study Include: Orthodontic Practice, Periodontal Diseases, Implantation Training in Dentistry School. Oral Hygiene And Orthodontic Appliances Installation Professional Techniques
Get next day shipping on all dental education models include: periodontal malocclusion class 2 division mixed dentition and use of a 3-unit bridge versus a single tooth implant to feel edentulous area. Dentistry simulators for: X-Ray exam, orthodontic brackets, hygiene, bone loss, cavities, teeth implants, periodontal manikins
Our Specialty To Provide Dental Education Models To Schools With Best Quality Teaching Education And Practicing Resources. Include: Dentistry Manikin Simulators, Periodontal Models Orthodontic And Implant Model To Students Future Professional Dentists Gain Experience And Techniques Required. Custom Orders Welcome established in 1995 in Carlsbad CA 92011 we provide dental education models manikins simulators, phantom heads, design dentistry study tools, and displays for dentistry school teaching and training students. Our mission is to help students and teachers in training professional techniques, understand teeth anatomy structure, disease and gaining professional experience, skills, essential for their chosen future dentistry career practice. Patient demonstration help patients understand pathology, diagnosis, and planning oral work to de done. Dental models and training phantom heads manikins, simulation, dental charts posters, dental teeth anatomy charts, and presentation study kits used by universities, dental schools, patient presentation and education. Also we design tools for learning new professional dentistry techniques, training application appliances, and models for general dentists, stomatology Implant surgeons, orthodontists, periodontal schools and universities, implantation and orthodontic laboratories with appliances for research companies.
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Dental Top Bench Stand Portable$257.00
Articulator DPT$249.00