www.buyamag.com established in 1995 in Carlsbad CA 92011 What is magnetic therapy? Magnetic field therapy uses magnets to maintain well-being, and increase circulation. The human body and the earth naturally produce electric and magnetic fields. Electromagnetic fields also can be technologically produced, such as: medical MRY test, electric motors radio, microwave and television currents. Practitioners of magnetic field therapy use many different devices from spot magnets to: provide personal magnetic belts, massager wraps: knee wrist elbow neck magnetic therapy magnetic insoles supports. Magnetic massager promote blood circulation, relieve stress, tension muscles and tendons. Magnetic water cup mug magnetizer make water easy absorbed . Magnet imbedded insoles help after long walking on the feet. Magnetic sleeping pads and pillows helps a good night sleep, and wake up refreshed, have carpal tunnel - try magnet bracelet for relaxing tendons after long time working on the computer, presented by Buyamag inc
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