Since 1995 Buyamag Heart Models For Medical Education
We Offer Life-Size Bypass Catheterization Heart Model. Portable Training Simulator, Enables Medical Students, Health Providers, Develop Competence Experience With Vascular Access Devices
Cardiology teachers in medical schools use heart models, so students can perform procedures: heart bypass, central catheter insertion, catheterization and inventing other heart invasive surgical instruments
Hands-On Experience With Buyamag's Heart Model Permits Practice Placing Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter Lines (ICC Lines). Help Future Professional Cardiology Doctors Gain Professional Techniques In Heart Surgery Procedures
www.buyamag Inc. established in 1995 in Carlsbad CA 92011 we provide various education heart models, the only available teaching model which permits the practice of Placing Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter Lines (PICC Lines). The rapid acceptance and use of PICC Lines creates a need to be able to properly teach this procedures: cannulation, catheterization simulator bypass heart models, angiogram simulation cardiology heart model. Also central venous manikin for medicine research and pharmaceutical, surgical instruments testing manikins, and developing training simulator catheterization model by uyamag Inc
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Heart Catheterization Simulator$1,598.00
Bronchi Model$149.50
CT Bronchial Tree Larynx Deluxe$699.00
Life-size Heart 2 Part$149.59
Human Blood Circulation System$429.00
Heart & Lungs 3 Part Deluxe$299.99
Chest Drain Simulator Training$3,499.00