Heart Cardiac Structures  Open Chambers Deluxe

Heart Cardiac Structures Open Chambers Deluxe

OrigHeart D-0140 OrigHeart D-0140

Buyamag INC


This top quality Human Heart Model is two times life-size, designed as an excellent educational, teaching and patient presentation tool. Real-Like Colors, detailed Hand Painted outside & inside. Open Chambers on hinges, easy to open or closing. Highly detailed & articulated model makes easy understand anatomy, function and pathology of the human heart. Model is excellent for medical schools and education programs to help students understand the heart, diseases, function and anatomy. Demonstrations in doctors offices and legal presentations. Twice the size of a human adult heart to show detail and facilitate study • Three hinged portals allow Full Access to Heart Chambers and Valves • Attached portions of Trachea and Esophagus Demonstrate their relationship to Major Vessels • Unbreakable vinyl model fully rotates on wooden pedestal, or lifts off for pass-around viewing. Hinged Portals allow full access