Bronchoscopy Training 3D Manikin Model Simulator Training
Bronchoscopy Simulator
EWPLM092 Bronchoscopy Simulator
EWPLM092 Bronchoscopy Simulator
Buyamag INC
Bronchoscopy Simulator Features:
- 3D Distal Bronchus Simulator can be used for Insert training of Ultrafine Bronchoscopy as well as Existing Bronchoscopy.
- Special fabrication methods allow recreation of ultrafine bronchoscopy that could not be done before. Most methods duplicate distal bronchus (e.g.B¹ai?). Ultrafine bronchoscopy enables insertion all the way through the distal bronchus.
- The material is specialized silicone rubber. The sense of bronchoscopy insertion allows a feeling like human-like texture due to elasticity. In addition, the internal bronchial tube is a human-like color.
- The bronchi main body and the bronchi-support stand can be easily removed from the Carrying Case
Simulator Extra Feature : Bronchoscopy Training Simulator allows for complete training in Bronchoscopy under life-like conditions. The new fabrication technique allows recreation of Ultrafine Bronchoscopy. 3D distal bronchus is Attachable and Washable after insert training
Simulator Specifications:
- Bronchi Main body ----------------------- 25(L) x 24(W) x 16 (H)cm
- Carrying Case Bronchi (sponge included) - 33 x 48 x 26?cm),
- Weight ------------------------------------ 3.6?kg?
- Silicone rubber allows elasticity
- 3D Distal bronchus is Attachable and Washable after Insert Training
Simulator Accessories Include:
- Bronchi Main Body --------------------------------- 1 Included
- Stand ---------------------------------------------- 1 Included
- Carrying Case ( sponge case included ) ------------ 1 Included
- Silicone spray -------------------------------------- 1 pc
- Extra Replacement Parts ------------------- Optional ( select when ordering )