Airway Training Simulators: Multipurpose, Adult, 5 Or 1 Year Old, NewBorn
NPGRS315.100 Airway Multipurpose Simulator
NPGRS315.100 Airway Multipurpose Simulator
Buyamag INC
Features for All Airway Simulators:
- Complete upper Torso with realistic chest cavity containing heart lungs, and stomach
- Fully articulating head, neck, and jaw permitting head-tilt/chin lift, jaw thrust and neck extension into the sniffing position
- Anatomically accurate full sized mouth, tongue, airway, and esophagus. Perfect for placement of endotracheal tubes
- Soft neck with cricocartilage permits classic Sellick maneuver needed to provide a better view of the vocal cords and/or minimize gastric reflux
- Realistic trachea, bronchi, and lungs permit observable unilateral or bilateral lung expansion under positive pressure ventilation.
- Instruction Manual
- Carrying Bag
Multipurpose Airway Features:
- Surgical placement of Tracheostomy Tube
- Emergency Needle Cricothyrotomy Stick
- Bilateral tension Pneumothorax decompression
- Six Neck Collors, three Cricocartilages,Mambrane Tape
Adult Features:
- Oral, digital, nasal intubation
- Wide, straight, stiffer epiglottis
- Realistic vocal cords
- Nominal 18mm airway permitting passage of a cuffed ET tube or EOA
5 Year Old Features:
- Anatomically accurate Mouth, Tongue, Airway, Esophagus design to illustrate profound differences between intubating an Infant, Child or Adult.
- Nasal Passage permits placement of NP tube
- Narrow floppy slightly curved Epiglottis
- Arteriorly positioned Vocal Cords
- Realistic 9mm. Airway, narrowing bellow the vocal cords
1 Year Old features:
- Tongue fills the magority of the Oral cavity
- Narrow, Floppy, Omega Shaped Epiglotis
- Realistic "fish-eye" apperanceto Vocal Cords
- Narrow 5mm. Airway bellow Vocal Cords
NewBorn Features:
- Nerrow floppy, slightly curved Epiglotis
- Anteriorly positioned Vocal Cords
- Realistic 3.8mm. Airway narrowing bellow Vocal Cordsgynecological_modelsgynecological_models