Cervix Vaginal Dilation Module - Assessing Cervical Dilation
Buyamag INC
Cervix Vaginal Dilation Modules can be Inserted into the Advanced Childbirth Simulator. Five Labor Stations, Selected to represent conditions of the Cervix and Vagina prior to labor, during labor, and at birth in a Primigravid Woman Stations may be placed in Birth Canal of Advanced Childbirth Simulator. Five Labor Stations, Selected to represent conditions of the Cervix and Vagina prior to labor, during labor, and at Birth in a Primigravid Woman Stations may be placed in Birth Canal of Advanced Childbirth Simulator. Stations illustrated are: STA -5 prior to onset of labor; STA -4 cervix Partially Effaced; STA -3 cervix Fully Effaced; STA 0 fetal head at plane of ischial spine: STA +2 Cervix Nearing Full; dilation; STA +5 crowning of Fetal Head Labor Delivery Module Labor Delivery Module is designed to be used as a series of models that can be: Passed around a classroom to compare the condition of Cervix as Labor Progress. Can be used with: Advanced Child Birth Simulator
Stations illustrated are:
- STA -5 prior to onset of labor
- STA -4 cervix partially effaced
- STA -3 cervix fully effaced
- STA 0 fetal head at plane of ischial spine
- STA +2 cervix nearing full dilation
- STA +5 crowning of fetal head
- Five Labor Stations
- Carrying Bag