Dental Chair Mount Deluxe Practice Training Experience
Dental Chair Mount
Buyamag INC
Dental Training Chair Mount - with Velcro belt, Dental Mount Easy Attaches to any Dental Chair Brand, Type or Design. With Two Heavy-duty Ball Joints allow any Phantom Head position, or angle, and mimic exact Patient Positioning you like, for any Dental Techniques, procedure, posture practicing training.
The two O Ring-Locks ( no shown on photo ) glides up and down on the upper Rod for mouth position adjustment. Chair Mouth Compatible with any Dental Simulator Manikin or Phantom Head.
Mount made of high Grade Stainless Steel, Corrosion Protected . Included: the Chair Mount, two Heavy-Duty Stainless-Steel Ball Joints, Two Steinless-Steel Rods, Cordura Belt With Lock. Head Phantom Manikin, Chair - not included. Used in Dental Schools educational programs and practicing Dental Work & students experience training