Ear Super Deluxe 8 Part
Buyamag INC
Super Deluxe Ear Model 5 times Life - Size, representation of Outer, Middle and inner Ear Exquisitely color hand painted. Highly detail and anatomically correct articulated Ear Model ever made! The Transparent Semicircular Canals are filled with fluid, each with one bubble to demonstrate their balance function. A valuable Ear Model for medical schools, educational programs, and legal presentations. Students can easy understand, anatomy and the functions of the Ears.
Removeable Features
- Outer Ear
- Petrosal Bone
- Mastoid Process
- Tympanic Membrane & Auditory Ossicles
- Labyrinth
- Cochlea & VestibuloCochler Nerve (3 part)
Size: 18" x 11" x 8"