Endodontic Sequence Model Premolar Treatment Bicuspid Teeth Education Practice Teaching Dentistry Techniques in Dental Schools
Endodontic Sequence
PRP23END2 Endodontic Premolar Bicuspid Sequence Model
PRP23END2 Endodontic Premolar Bicuspid Sequence Model
Buyamag INC
Endodontic sequence model treatment, premolar bicuspid teeth model – 2X natural size set of 5 identical pre-molar teeth beginning with: (1) carious tooth with crown, (2) carious tooth sectioned (crown to apex view), (3) caries/pulp removed (crown to apex view), (4) finished post treatment & (5) porcelain fused to gold crown.
Used in dentistry schools teaching students professional dental techniques in treatment endodontic procedures