FIM Infrared CQ-33 Lamp Deluxe, Digital Double Head 2 Heads Oversized 6.5" Diameter Each, Original Manufactured

FIM Infrared CQ-33 Lamp Deluxe, Digital Double Head 2 Heads Oversized 6.5" Diameter Each, Original Manufactured

Deluxe NPCQ33 Double Heads Digital Timer Deluxe NPCQ33 Double Heads Digital Timer

Buyamag INC


2 LCD Digital Timers

Same as Lamp Above, Plus Upgrades: Two Oversized 6.5" Each Head, Two Digital Display LCD Timers. FIM ( Far Infrared Mineral ) Lamp includes: Two 6.5" oversized ,"Black Body" Mineral Formation Plate with 33 Mineral Elements Fe, Se, Mn, Zn, Co, Ni, Cu, Cr and K Essential for the Human Body. The Oversized 6.5" Mineral Plate cover a larger body area. And its Far Infrared Ray ranges from 2-25 microns and 28-34 mw/ in intensity. And two LCD Digital Timers. Liquid Crystal Timers with Usage Accumulative Timing Display.The benefit of this model is: Two Body Points can be treated the same time to increase outcome benefit results in shorter time. The reason for that is: If two points of the same energy meridian treated simultaneously , the energy blockage opens faster and promote vital energy flow in energy meridian. This model most popular by Health Care Professionals: Acupuncturists, Physical Therapists, Naturopat MD, Doctors , Individuals.

Same "Crane Neck" As Above Lamp But With Oversized Heads 6.5", Digital LCD Timers, 4 Fuses, And 2 Plates Protective Screens.


  • 2 Built-in Liquid Cristal Digital Timers, Push Buttons Settings
  • 2 Dual adjustable multi-position heads
  • Shortage Protected with 4 Fuses
  • 2 Mineral Plate Protection Screens
  • 2 Digital Liquid Crystal Display Timers
  • Rolling Base ---- 5 Shoulders, 5 Castors
  • Grounded Cord 7 ' long
  • Voltage ---- 110 volt
  • Original manufactured
  • Rolling Base ---- 5 Shoulders, 5 Castors