Human digestive system poster wall chart

Human Digestive System Poster Chart

NP Digestive System Poster 20" x 26" heavy paper 9781587790072 NP Digestive System Poster 20" x 26" heavy paper 9781587790072

Buyamag INC


 Human digestive system poster chart illustrates the organs that make up the digestive system. All structures are labeled. The beautiful central image shows the esophagus, liver, stomach (sectioned to show inside walls) , gallbladder, pancreas, intestines, rectum, arteries and veins.
illustration of the location of the digestive organs in relation to the torso
detailed labeled illustrations of:
the oral cavity
wall of the stomach
wall of the jejunum
wall of the colon
arterial supply
pancreas, gallbladder and duodenum
Also includes explanatory text about the parts the various organs play in digestion.
Made in the USA.
Available in the following versions :

  • 20" x 26" heavy paper ISBN 9781587790072