molar tooth model

Human Teeth Molar Incisor Canine Structure Anatomy Set of 3 Giant Education Teeth

NP Human Teeth Models Molar Canine Incisor Set of 3 NP Human Teeth Models Molar Canine Incisor Set of 3

Buyamag INC


This 3 giant human teeth: Molar, Incisor, Canine models 10 times life size enlarged. Molar and canine teeth bisected in two parts. The Incisor tooth not bisected.

Canine tooth: 12" long

Tooth show structures of enamel, dentine and the nerves in pulp cavity, blood vessels, etc...

Made of hard plastic. This 3 teeth models used in dental and medical schools by teachers and students, with educational programs for easy understanding and learning of human teeth anatomy, function and pathology.

Incisor tooth: 12" long

Models also used in doctors offices and legal presentations.

Molar tooth: 10" long