Neonatal Simulator With Smart Skin™ Technology Simulator
Pedi Blue
Buyamag INC
A spectacular NewBorn Baby Simulator has the unique Ability to Change Exterior Color based upon an initial Pre-Selected Condition and Measures the Effectiveness of Airway Ventilation and Chest Compression provided. In addition, the Neonatal Simulator has all the Conventional Features found in Airway Management Trainers. The Neonatal Simulator is sized to simulate a NewBorn during its first 28 days of life. The Neonatal Team can Intubate or perform CPR. The instructor can choose to present the Neonate as healthy, with Peripheral Cyanosis, or with Central Cyanosis. A Code Blue® Monitor, containing a Small Computer, Observes Ventilation's and Compression's and determines whether they meet or Exceed Conventional Neonatal CPR standards. If acceptable, the monitor causes the Skin to Turn to a more Healthy Color. If ventilation's and compression's are determined to be inadequate or non-existent, the monitor causes the skin to turn toward an Ominous Blue Color.
Omni Controller:
Change cyanosis levels in the Omni Controller and see your neonatal simulator go from a healthy skin tone to having peripheral and central cyanosis. If the student provides proper CPR the neonate will return to a healthy skin tone, at which time the instructor can decide to pause, improve or worsen cyanosis.
Connect your Omni Controller to an airway management simulator ( cables included ) and monitor cadence and depth of cardiac compressions and airway ventilations in real time. View feedback on your Omni screen or your own computer monitor. Omni is programmable, so if CPR standards change Omni can reflect those changes
• Full size articulating neonate
• Realistic airway with tongue, vocal cords, trachea, and esophagus for airway management exercises• Heart, lungs, ribs, stomach, and liver
• Oral or nasal intubation plus suctioning
• Crico prominence permits the Sellick maneuver
• Bilateral lung expansion with realistic chest rise
• Practice intubation using a Miller 1 blade and uncuffed 2.5 ET tube
• View peripheral and central cyanosis as well as healthy skin tone
• Practice umbilical catheterization and simulate pulsatile element with use of hand-held squeeze bulb
• Simulate neonatal CPR with either two-thumb “encircling” technique or two finger alternate compression method
• Practice delicate IO access with optional intraosseous leg
• Practice injection and intravenous techniques with optional training arm
Simulator Components:
• PEDI Blue neonate
• Omni™ Controller for CPR monitoring and Cyanosis control
• International power supply 100-240 VAC
• Connecting cables
• Software CD can be used with your existing Computer. Instruction manual. Carrying Bag - Included
• Computer & Monitor - Not Included.