Obstetric Childbirth Model Fetal Monitoring And Labor Progress Simulator
Buyamag INC
Obstetric fetal monitoring model provide realistic simulation for vaginal examinations, labor progress, assessment of cervical dilation, palpation of fetal fontanels and suture lines, and assessment of the position of the vertex. Versatile model set includes fetal head, lower uterine segment, fetal buttocks for breech presentation, and four interchangeable cervical dilation models.
The fetal head and cervical dilation models have been updated for a more lifelike feel and greater durability. Components fit in a durable plastic case that facilitates visualization and cleaning.
Simulator provides students with a realistic simulation labor progress and insertion of the intrauterine pressure catheter.
Looking for a great way to provide students with a realistic simulation of labor assessment? This model set includes a fetal head, lower uterine segment, fetal buttocks for breech presentation, four interchangeable cervical dilation models (1, 3, 4, and 8 cm), and durable plastic case. Also comes with lubricant, teaching suggestions, and carrying case.
• Performance of vaginal examinations
• Assessment of labor progress and dilation
• Palpation of fetal fontanels and suture lines
• Assessment of the position of the fetal head
This fetal and labor model set is an excellent tool for teaching nursing, medical, or midwifery students. This lifelike 3D model includes:
- Fetal head
- Lower uterine segment
- Cervix
- 4 Interchangeable cervical dilation models
- Weight: 12lb
- Size; 13.4 x 6.3 x 11.4 in
The fetal monitoring and labor progress model set is a great addition to any lesson about the human birth process.