Sister-U uterus simulator manikin model multiple trainer simulator. A multi-uterus trainer with realistic anatomy representing the uterus between pregnancies.
Sister-U model can be used for a variety of interventions such as vaginal examinations, IUD insertion and removal, and for inspecting anteverted and retroverted positions of the uterus, as well as family planning and menstrual hygeine counselling.
Uterus model was developed in collaboration with the Indian Federal Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and global partners.
- Uterus simulator model was designed to complement family planning trainings and act as a counselling aid for healthcare workers.
- Can be used on a tabletop or attached to the body for practicing respectful care and communication.
- The uterus modules can be removed from the frame and be used as demonstration tools.
- The large uterus can be used as a postabortion uterus or a multi-parous uterus.
- The small uterus can be used for IUD insertion and removal training on an interval or an early post-abortion uterus.
- The uterus plate of the Sister-U can be flipped to demonstrate different uterine angles.
- Sister-U simulator can be used with a variety of reproductive health methods such as cervical rings and diaphragms.
- Sister-U's carrying case can be worn on the shoulder or converted into a backpack.