Acupuncture Socks
Acupuncture Socks One Pair
Buyamag INC
Size: Knee Length One-Size-Fits-All
Acupuncture Socks One Pair
Acupuncture Socks. Knee length Acupuncture Socks show some of the various Acupoints and Energy MeridAcupuncture Socks. Knee length Acupuncture Socks show some of the various Acupoints and Energy Meridians, located on the front and back of the lower leg, calf, and the top of the foot. Material made: 60% cotton, 35% polyester and 5% nylon. Pictured on the sole is a reflexology/organ legend.
Great for Acupuncture Points and Meridians Location Education, Professional Acupuncturist and Presents!
Size: Adult Size One-Size-Fits-All.