Intramuscular Subcutaneous Injection, Femoral Line Placement Hip Simulator SOLD OUT DISCONTINUED
Buyamag INC
The IMSIT is a lifelike model of the human lower torso. The simulator may be used for teaching intramuscular (intragluteal), and subcutaneous injections as well as placement of a femoral line. The posterior right side of the simulator is hand-painted and illustrates the deep anatomic structure of the head of the femur, the shaft of the femur, the sciatic nerve, deep layers of muscles, major blood vessels, and the aspect of the bony pelvis underlying the gluteus muscles. This simulator is a "must" for all medical nursing schools and educational programs.
Features:- Intramuscular injection site in upper-outer quadrant of gluteal region
- Intramuscular injection in ventrogluteal site below iliac crest
- Intramuscular injection in lateral thigh
- Subcutaneous injection site in lower abdominal wall above inguinal area
- Femoral artery/vein site
- Controlled arterial pulse
- Place femoral line Hand-painted anatomic artwork of the structures of the head and shaft of the femur
- Hand-painted anatomic artwork of the sciatic nerve, major blood vessels of the region, and the deep underlying layer of muscles
- Hand-painted anatomic artwork of the bony pelvis
- Palpation of gluteal region Soft, resilient, and lifelike outer skin
- Instruction manual (included)
- Soft nylon carrying bag (included )