Multy-Torso: Five-In-One 59 Dissected Structures 39 Removable Parts
Buyamag INC
Superb Quality Torso Multipurpose FULL SIZE Include: complete musculature on one side, and skin and surface topography on the other. • Multifaceted: you get 11 LIFE-SIZE organ systems: Skin - Skeletal - Muscular - Nervous and Sense Organs - Respiratory - Cardiovascular - Lymphatic - Digestive - Urinary - Endocrine - Reproductive. • Multidimensional: with 5 interchangeable pelvic inserts - genderless, male, non pregnant female, or pregnant female in the 1st or 3rd trimesters - you get 5 different torso models rolled into one. Also Torso model Include: Genderless- 2 parts (T72), • Male- 4 parts (T73), • Non-pregnant Female with Mammary Gland- 5 parts (T74), • 1st Trimester Pregnancy-3 Parts (T77), • 3rd Trimester Pregnancy- 4 parts (T78)
This Torso, life-size, highly detailed and articulated. Used by Medical, and Orthopedic Schools in student's educational programs. In doctor's offices patient's demonstrations and legal presentations. American-made, every step in the production. Hand Painted, Superb Quality