Dental Academy Skull Opened Lower Jaw Classic Model 3 Part
Buyamag INC
This Dental Skull Life-Size, with opened Mandible exposes the Dental Roots with Vessels and Nerves. The cranial bones, bone components, Fissures, Foramina and other structures are numbered. The cranial sutures are shown in color, as are the Meningeal Vessels and Venous Sinuses. Used as a educational Skull Model, in Dental Schools, Medical Schools and Universities with educational programs, for students best understand and learn Human Skull Anatomy, Biology, Function and Pathology. Also used in doctors offices, laboratories, pharmaceuticals and with legal presentations. Size:
20 x 14 x 16cm
- High-quality Original Casts
- Dental Roots with Vessels and Nerves.
- Dissects into 3 parts
- Numbered accurate representation of the Fissures, Foramina processes, sutures etc.
- Can de disassembled into Skull Cap, Base of Skull and Mandible
- As an option, you can insert a 5-part Brain into the Skull